Bruce Willis is a renowned actor who was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in February 2023. FTD is a type of dementia that affects people under 60 and can cause various symptoms, including communication difficulties. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for FTD, but his family hopes that increased awareness and research can lead to new treatments in the future. Willis' loved ones encourage those dealing with FTD to seek support from organizations like AFTD (@theaftd "@theaftd" Link: [, "" Link: []). For those unfamiliar with FTD, they are invited to learn more about it and support AFTD's mission. Willis has always been known for using his voice to help others and raise awareness about important issues. His family asks for continued compassion, understanding, and respect as they navigate this challenging time. -Emma, Demi, Rumer, Scout, Tallulah, Mabel, and Evelyn.
[FTD Info & Resources "FTD Info & Resources" Link: [ [AFTD Statement "AFTD Statement" Link: [