The Drudge Report is a U.S.-based website founded by Matt Drudge, which aggregates news stories from other outlets about politics, entertainment, and current events. The site was launched in 1995 as a weekly subscriber-based email dispatch and has since become a popular news aggregator, known for breaking stories and providing links to news articles from various sources.
The Drudge Report has been in the news itself on several occasions, including a 1998 controversy over its reporting on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and a 2009 warning from the AP about the use of its content without payment. In 2010, the site was found to be carrying malware in its advertising, and in 2011, it added Charles Hurt to its staff.
The site's content is curated by Matt Drudge and his editors, who select news stories from around the world and write headlines for each link. The Drudge Report has been known to break stories and provide early access to news articles, and has been a source of controversy and debate over the years.
As of 2023, the Drudge Report continues to be a popular news aggregator, with a large following and a reputation for breaking news and providing links to news articles from various sources. [