
Griselda is an American television miniseries directed by Andrés Baiz and produced by Sofía Vergara, Andrés Baiz, Luis Balaguer, Carlo Bernard, Ingrid Escajeda, Doug Miro, and others. It premiered on Netflix on January 25, 2024, and consists of six episodes. The miniseries is based on the life of Griselda Blanco, a notorious Colombian drug lord in the Miami scene, and her pursuit of power and wealth. The series received generally positive reviews, with praise going towards Vergara's performance. It tells the story of Griselda's rise in the Miami drug scene, her downfall due to drug use, paranoia, and betrayal, and her eventual imprisonment and the tragic loss of most of her children. The show serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive pursuit of power.

Griselda (miniseries) - Wikipedia

Is Griselda based on a true story? Wild real life story behind ‘cocaine godmother’ portrayed by Sofia Vergara | The Independent

Follow ups


Who was Griselda Blanco to Pablo Escobar?


Is Griselda based on a true story?


Is Griselda a true story on Netflix?


What happened to Griselda Blanco?


Griselda' trailer
