One Day is a 2011 romantic comedy film directed by Lone Scherfig, based on the novel of the same name by David Nicholls. The film stars Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess as Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew, two people who meet on the same day, July 15th, 1988, and spend the next 20 years navigating their lives, relationships, and love for each other.
The film follows the couple's journey as they grow and change, facing various challenges and opportunities, but ultimately realizing that their love has been there for them all along. The movie explores themes of love, friendship, class differences, and the complexities of relationships.
One Day received positive reviews from critics, with many praising the performances of Hathaway and Sturgess, as well as the film's thoughtful and nuanced portrayal of love and relationships. The movie was a commercial success, grossing over $59 million worldwide.
The film's success led to the development of a TV series, also titled One Day, which premiered in 2024 and follows the same characters and storylines as the film.