"Poor Things" is a 2023 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, with a screenplay by Tony McNamara. The story follows Bella Baxter, a young woman brought back to life by the brilliant and unorthodox scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter, played by Willem Dafoe. Bella, portrayed by Emma Stone, embarks on a whirlwind adventure across the continents with lawyer Duncan Wedderburn, played by Mark Ruffalo. The film explores themes of equality and liberation as Bella grows steadfast in her purpose, despite being free from the prejudices of her times. The film stars an ensemble cast including Ramy Youssef, Christopher Abbott, Suzy Bemba, Jerrod Carmichael, Kathryn Hunter, Vicki Pepperdine, Margaret Qualley, and Hanna Schygulla. "Poor Things" is available for streaming on Hulu and for purchase on various digital platforms.