The Iron Claw is a 2023 biopic film directed by Sean Durkin about the Von Erich family, a professional wrestling dynasty infamous for their tragic history. The film follows the brothers Kevin, David, Kerry, and Mike, who are pressured by their overbearing father, Fritz, to succeed in wrestling. The movie portrays their struggles and the constant tragedies that befall the family from 1979 to the early 1990s. The title of the film is derived from the Iron Claw, an in-ring signature move of the Von Erichs. The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on November 8, 2023, and was released in the United States by A24 on December 22, 2023, and in the United Kingdom by Curzon Artificial Eye on February 9, 2024. It received positive reviews and grossed over $45 million on a $15.9 million budget.