True Detective season 4, also known as True Detective: Night Country, is the fourth installment of the American television series True Detective. The season premiered on HBO on January 14, 2024, and consisted of six episodes. Issa López served as the showrunner, writer, and director for the season, marking her first overall deal with HBO. The season stars Jodie Foster and Kali Reis as Detectives Liz Danvers and Evangeline Navarro, investigating the disappearance of eight men from a town. Night Country is the first season of True Detective to carry a subtitle and to not involve creator Nic Pizzolatto in the writing process, although he remains an executive producer. The season was inspired by various sources, including the Overlook Hotel from The Shining, the Nostromo from Alien, and Billie Eilish's song "Bury a Friend." The cast includes Foster, Reis, Michael Ironside, Ray Fisher, Finn Bennett, and Joel D. Montgrand, among others. Filming took place in New Mexico.