young sheldon

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Young Sheldon is a comedy television series that aired on CBS since 2017. The show is a prequel to The Big Bang Theory and follows the life of Sheldon Cooper as a child growing up in East Texas. Initially, Sheldon was the central character of the show due to his popularity from The Big Bang Theory. However, as the series progressed, the focus shifted to other family members, including Georgie, Mandy, Meemaw, and Missy, to offer more diverse storytelling opportunities.

In the seventh season, Sheldon's role in the Cooper family has been mocked for his obliviousness to family affairs and his decreasing importance in their lives. He missed Georgie and Mandy's wedding and was easily manipulated by a single lie about Meemaw's gambling room, which had been operating since season 5. These subplots are used mainly for comedic purposes but highlight Sheldon's disconnection from the Coopers.

The show's creators recognized the potential in the untapped stories of other family members and increased their focus to broaden the appeal of the prequel beyond those who watch it because of their attachment to The Big Bang Theory and Sheldon. The diverse storylines of Georgie and Mandy's romance, Meemaw's business ventures, Missy's teenage exploits, and George and Mary's marital ups and downs have all been entertaining and engaging.

Young Sheldon Season 7 Young Sheldon Young Sheldon on CBS


Follow ups


Who is Young Sheldon's twin sister?


Is Sheldon Cooper and Young Sheldon the same person?


What age is Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon?


Does Young Sheldon have kids?


Young sheldon season 7
